Your online reviews will make or break you business. Not just for online customers but offline customers are checking out online reviews before buying.

5 stars review

98% of people at least "occasionally" read online reviews (source: BrightLocal).

According to local search experts, review signals make up 17% of Google Local Pack ranking factors

(source: Whitespark).

28% of online consumers are checking online reviews today more than they did before Covid 19 (source: Software Advice).

82% of consumers will research products online before going in-store to make a purchase (source: Bazaarvoice).

A single positive review can increase conversions by 10% and 100 reviews can increase conversions by 37% (source: Bazaarvoice).

It is clear that wether you sell online or offline or a mixture of both you need to be proactively collecting reviews.

Very few customers will leave a review without being asked. Most businesses are too busy or forget to ask for reviews.

Even if asked most customers who have an intention of leaving a review simply forget as life gets in the way...

The other main reason why customers don't leave reviews is that they do not know where or how to.

Our software will send automated email and text or SMS review request to your customers. We set a follow up system of reminders to remind customers who forget.

We also send your customers a direct link to where they can leave a review. We work with most of the main review sites and can target the review sites that are most important to you.

Our system will notify you as soon as review is posted so that you can respond to that review. 80% of customers expect reviews to be responded to promptly (source: Sitejabber).

Putting an automated review system in place will ensure you are getting feedback and reviews from your customers. This can have a very significant effect on your sales.

Contact us to discuss how we can put in place an automated review system for your business.

Marketing Qualifications And Accreditations

Marketing Strategy Accreditations and qualifications



David K
"Quentin is a seasoned digital marketer who specifically helped us in the development of a B2B consulting project. 

He has given us some excellent directions to move in the testing and development of our new program that none of us had even thought of before. 

His help has proven very insightful." David K.

Jonathan S

"Quentin led us through his time-tested step-by-step framework for growing our business. 

It was eye-opening as he uncovered basic planning and implementation steps missing in our business plan. 

Quentin's expertise can help any business develop and implement a concrete action plan for predictable growth quarter after quarter. 

It would be a pleasure to have his help on future projects." Jonathan S.

David K

"Quentin is a really straight talking, smart marketer with extensive experience in many different Ad Networks. 

 He is a great choice if you need to discuss your options at length, brainstorm, and decide on the best strategic direction. 

 He always has time for these important discussions and has a deep understanding of the optics needed for success." Neil P.


Shari M

"I recommend Quentin for his solid strategy for executing growth in set stages-so you are doing the right thing at the right time. 

His understanding of the strategy behind the framework is in-depth and will save you so much time and money as you scale.

Quentin will make sure all the elements of success (strategy, copywriting, offer and retargeting) are in place for the best growth on the platform you want." Shari M.

Zoltan K.

"Quentin’s AdSkills and Digital Marketer Partner Certifications are well deserved. 

He understands not only the media buying side of things but as well as the business growth, strategy and system part too. 

I have recently completed one of his training called the “30 Day Business Growth Blueprint” in which he outlines the core steps of creating a predictable & scalable customer acquisition system for your business. 

In addition to the great tips & strategies he gives away his worksheets so you can track and measure your progress along the way. Quentin stresses the idea of: “You got to commit” - I can’t agree more with him. 

After completing his course I walked away with a clear and simple action plan on how to grow my freelance business. 

Thanks Quentin!" Zoltan K.


Sébastien S

"Quentin is really good and helped us to focus on a clear sales management system. 

His method organises our marketing plan and can be suited for any type of company. 

He knows his stuff and I recommend him." Sébastien S.




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